The Wind took up
the Northern Things
And piled them in ↑showed them to↓ the
South –
Then gave ↑bent – bowed↓ the East
unto the West
And opening his ↑it’s↓ mouth
The four Divisions of
the Earth
Did make as to ↓presumed as to↑ devour
While everything to corners
Behind ↓Like worms beneath – ↓before↑ the awful power –
The Wind unto his ↑it’s↓ Chamber↑s↓
And nature ventured
out –
Her subjects scattered
into place
Her systems ranged ↓stole↑
Again the smoke from
Dwellings rose ↑curled↓
The Day abroad was
heard – ⟮resumed abroad)
How intimate, a Tempest
The Transport ↓Rapture – Triumph↑ of the
Bird –
orderly the
Riot of the
Bird –