Dear Sister,
Spring, and
not a Blue Bird,
but I have seen
a Crow – ″in his
own Body on the
Tree″, almost as
prima facie –
They love such
outlawed Trees –
Is cherished of
the Crow
Because that
Junior Foliage is
To venerable Birds
Whose Corporation
Would decorate
Remotest Consulate –
Could you condone
the profanity?
We have had two
Hurricanes since
the ″Ides of March,″
and one of them
came near enough
to untie My Apron –
a boldness please
resent –
Mother is lying
changeless on her
changeless Bed,
hoping a little, and
fearing much –
Vinnie in Bliss′
Catalogue, prospecting
for Summer –
You and I can
content ourselves
with only ″Bliss″
itself – What a par-
simony! Maggie, good
and noisy, the North
Wind of the Family,
but Sweets without
a Salt would at
last cloy –
The Neighborhood are
much amused by
the ″Fair Barbarian″
and Emily′s Scribner
is perused by all the
Boys and Girls –
Even the Cynic
Austin confessed
himself amused –
I hope the Little
Sister′s Eyes have
refrained from
sighing – and very
often carry them to
the ″Throne″ of
Tenderness – the only
God I know – and
if I take her too,
it does′nt break
My Basket, though
Fondness′ untold
Load does tire
rugged Baskets
some –
I hope that nothing
makes you afraid –
Give my Heart
to each, and
my slim Circum-
ference to her who
often shared it –
Emily ′